Fix performance issues with Workflow Notification Mailer
by Dilip Singh, Oracle Applications Database Administrator, Rackspace Technology
When you introduce new business processes to your Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, you might experience a serious notification bottleneck at the application server level rather than the mailer level.
This notification congestion is due to the sudden influx of notifications that business users don't receive in time or that arrive two to three hours late.
This post helps you improve your performance and make notifications appear in real time. The post-process completion of the ERP business notifications should reach the approver's inbox instantaneously, and the email approval should also be reflected in the system immediately.
Steps to improve performance
This post offers four possible solutions for your notification performance problem. After you complete a solution's steps, test the performance and see if it improved.
Solution 1: Manually rebuild the Notification Mailer queue (WF\_NOTIFICATION\_OUT)
1. Stop the Workflow Agent listeners and mailers.
2. Find the tablespace that creates CORRID indexes for queue tables:
sqlplus apps/<apps_pwd>
select distinct tablespace_name
from dba_indexes,dba_queues
where index_name='WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT_N1'
and table_name=queue_table
and name like 'WF%';
3. Rebuild the mailer's queue:
sqlplus apps/<apps_pwd> @$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfntfqup APPS <apps_pwd> APPLSYS
4. If the queue rebuild takes more than four or five hours (or never completes), run the following query:
select c.item_type child, decode(c.end_date,null,'OPEN','CLOSED') child_status, c.parent_item_type parent, decode(c.parent_item_type,null,'NOPARENT',decode(p.end_date,null,'OPEN','CLOSED')) parent_status, count(*)
wf_items p,
wf_items c
p.item_type(+) = c.parent_item_type
and p.item_key(+) = c.parent_item_key
and c.item_type='WFERROR'
group by c.item_type, decode(c.end_date,null,'OPEN','CLOSED'), c.parent_item_type , decode(c.parent_item_type,null,'NOPARENT',decode(p.end_date,null,'OPEN','CLOSED'))
order by c.item_type , c.parent_item_type;
If that query returns one or more items, those items in WFERROR status are still open, or their parent Workflow item is still open. The program Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent request, FNDWFPR, purges only closed items. You can raise an Oracle Service Request (SR) or see How to Purge WFERROR (System: Error) Workflow Items. (Doc ID 804622.1) for help.
5. Recreate the index on the CORRID column:
sqlplus applsys/<applsys_pwd>
6. When prompted for the tablespace, enter the tablespace name from Step 2.
7. Start the Workflow Agent listeners and mailers
Solution 2: Increase the outbound thread count to two
1. Log in to the Oracle Application Manager and click Notification Mailer.
2. If the Notification Mailer service is running, select Stop in the right-hand
corner of the row, and click Go.
3. Wait until it stops and the *user deactivated* indication displays.
4. Click Edit and Advanced.
5. Click Next. If the Outbound thread count is `1`, change it to `2`.
6. Click Next on the remaining screens.
Solution 3: Check that all indexes are present for the WF\_NOTIFICATION\_OUT queue
If an index is missing, add it.
Solution 4: Create a new mailer service
The solution has three parts:
Part A: Create a new mailer service
1. Select Workflow administrator Web Applications Responsibility.
2. Select the Workflow Manager menu option.
3. Click on the Service Components icon
4. Click on the Workflow Mailer Service link in the Container column.
5. Click Create New.
6. Enter the following parameters:
- Enabled: check this flag.
- Manager: Enter the Mailer service name (such as Mailer Service HR).
- Short Name: HR_MLR.
- Application: Application Object Library.
7. Click Add from Available Shifts.
8. Move the Standard: Active 24 hourseveryday shift from left to right.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Save
Part B: Create a new mailer and link it to the new mailer service from Part A
1. Select Workflow Administrator Web Applications Responsibility.
2. Select the Workflow Manager menu option.
3. Click the Notification Mailers icon.
4. Click Create on the right-hand side.
5. Select Workflow Mailer.
6. Click Continue.
7. Enter the Name, such as HR_MLR, and enter the rest of the values on that page.
8. Click Advanced.
9. Enter the Correlation id: HXCEMP:%.
10. Enter the rest of the parameters with the same values as in the seeded WF Mailer except the Container, which you should set to the Workflow Service created in step# A. This is a crucial step. If you don't select this service, the solution won't work.
11. Click Finish.
Part C: Make sure the mailer service is linked properly
After completing the previous parts, run the following query to find out if the
HR_MLR New Mailer service is linked to the new HR_MLRMailer
select fcq.USER_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME Mailer_Service,
from APPS.FND_CP_SERVICES fcs,fnd_svc_components fsc, APPS.FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES_VL fcq
and fsc.component_type = 'WF_MAILER'
and fsc.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id(+)
order by fsc.STARTUP_MODE;
Note: If, after creating a new workflow mailer service, you find genuine emails going into the DISCARD folder, see Workflow Mailer Randomly Moves Response E-mail Notifications to the Discard Folder (Doc ID 333444.1).
You probably have not created separate IMAP accounts for each mailer.
This post presented four solutions to Oracle ERP notification performance issues, from rebuilding the queue to creating a new queue. Hopefully, these options solve your problems.

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