G’day from the Rackspace Cloud Down Under

We are thrilled to announce the opening of Rackspace’s 9th data centre in Sydney, Australia. We begin fitting out our new data centre next month with plans to be open for business in December.
Since we began our Australian expansion operation back in 2009 we have grown our business to provide Fanatical Support to nearly 5,000 customer including Lonely Planet, Treasury Wine Estates, News Ltd and Pacific Brands.
Our team attributes their rapid success to the buzz generated around Fanatical Support. Customers clearly recognise that we offer innovative hosting solutions, but what really makes us stand out is our support levels. Fanatical Support really is going global -- around both hemispheres!
We’re really proud of the waves we are already making in Australia and the level of commitment from our small team that is generating big results.
The Sydney data centre means we can now offer local dedicated hosting and private cloud solutions to larger IT contracts from government, enterprise and financial markets, or any other customer that may have concerns with data sovereignty and performance. The data centre also provides the perfect launch pad for our own Open Cloud platform, expected to launch into Australia in 2013.
We are looking forward to hearing the comforting and reassuring hum of servers looking after our customers’ needs by the end of the year – sounds like a great opportunity to celebrate with a ribbon cutting and a tinnie!