Rebuid System Databases
by LKD Naidu, SQL Server Database Administrator, Rackspace Technology
Rebuilding the MSDB database process:
1. First we need to verify the reason of failure in the SQL Error logs or windows logs and troubleshoot accordingly. If database is corrupt then please restore MSDB database same as a normal user database if backup is available
2. If We don’t have the latest backup or any other backups, then please stop the instance and start the instance in Single(maintenance mode) and trace 3608 in startup parameters.
If it is Default instance Please use server name as “SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)”
If it is Named instance Please use server name as “SQL Server (Instance_Name)”
Trace 3608 (/t3608) : This parameter starts only master database recovery process by skipping all other databases recovery process. It means only master db comes only.
/m : This parameter starts SQL server instance in maintenance mode or single-user mode which means only a single user can connect, and it does not start CHECKPOINT process.
3. Now Connect to instance and take new query window run below command to detach the MSDB database post that please delete data and log files of MSDB from drive.
5. Now please stop and start instance without any parameters.
NOTE: If MSDB is corrupted still we can start the Instance but we cannot start SQL agent.
- If tempdb corrupt instance wouldn’t respond and it would be in hung state equal to crash.
- Confirm from SQL server/windows log files whether that really if tempdb has got corrupted or not.
- To resolve, restart SQL server instance so that tempdb files will be recreated.
Rebuild the MODEL Database Process
Model database is the one of critical database which are useful to new database creations and also for Tempdb database recreation on every SQL server restart. Hence If model database is corrupt we cannot access/use the instance .
1. Verify if Model is corrupt or not in Event viewer and SQL Server Error Logs.
2. Confirm if a valid database backup exists or not using restore verifyonly/headeronly.
3. Start instance with Master database Only by enabling the trace 3608.
4. Restore the Model database from backup.
5. If backup is not available: Copy and paste model .mdf, .ldf files from other instance where we have same version instance [Required to take destination instance offline]
Rebuild the system databases | Rebuild the Master database process:
Step 1: Please check the SQL error logs or Windows Event logs where We can confirm whether master database is corrupt or not. If master database is corrupted follow step 2 and step3.
Step 2: If we have latest master database backup then please restore master database.
Step 3: If we don’t have latest full backup of master database or unbale to restore Master database backup then please perform “Rebuild system databases”
Go to run and open command window Go to the following path (based on version) and run the below setup syntax.
Step 4: If above command has been completed successfully, then please check summary.txt file for the confirmation.
Step 5: Now go to services or SQL configuration manager , restart SQL Server service.
Step 6: Now we are able to connect to SQL instance but we can’t see any user databases user instance and previous Server configuration settings since the rebuilding process has created a fresh copy of master database.
Step 7: To get backup our databases and server settings we need to restore the master database . For this please open Command prompt with run as administrator and Start SQL service in single user mode.
Step 8: Now please restore master database with replace option. Once restore completes successfully , then we can see all the previous configuration values including user defined databases.
Step 9: Please stop SQL services and start again in multi user mode.
If MASTER is corrupt we cannot start the DB engine:
In this scenario we have to rebuild all system databases to fix corruption problems. When databases are rebuilt, then dropped and re-created the all system databases in their original location.
: I hope this article Explained the process how to rebuild the system databases for the Windows SQL Server
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