Install and configure Oracle Forms and Reports for high availability on OEL
by Sudhakar Mukkara, Application Database Administrator , Rackspace Technology
This blog shows you how to install and configure Oracle © Forms and Reports version on Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) version 7.2 server to ensure high availability..
The following diagram illustrates a high-availability model:
To use this high-availability model, you need to perform the following tasks, which this blog covers in detail:
- - Prepare to install WebLogic © Server version on the application nodes (node1 and node2).
- - Install JDK ©; 1.8.
- - Install WebLogic Server
- - Create database schemas by using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
- - Install Oracle Forms and Reports on node1 and node2.
- - Create and configure the Forms and Reports domain on node1.
- - Conduct post-installation tasks on node1.
- - Use WebLogic `pack` and `unpack` commands to join node2 to the clustered domain on node1.
- - Conduct post-installation tasks on node2.
- - Configure Forms and Reports to use the HTTP server.
Prepare to install WebLogic Server
To prepare the operating system (OS) for the Weblogic Server installation, refer to the following documents. Ensure that the OS versions and required settings are complete on both the application nodes (node1 and node2).
For the certification matrix, see this Oracle reference document
For Linux ©; requirements like OS packages, kernal settings, and memory settings, see these reference documents
and ensure that you apply the patches to both nodes.
Install JDK 1.8
Use these steps to install JDK 1.8:
1 . Download the Java Development Kit (JDK) from the Oracle Technology Network Portal
2. Execute the following commands to unzip jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz, which
you downloaded:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ cd /u01/app/JAVA/
[appfmw@fmwNode1 JAVA]$ gunzip jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz
[appfmw@fmwNode1 JAVA]$ tar -xvf jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar
3. Set JAVA_HOME to point to JAVA directory by using the following commands:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ export JAVA_HOME=/u01/app/JAVA/jdk1.8.0_181
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ which java
Install WebLogic Server
To install WebLogic Server version on both nodes, execute the following commands to navigate to software directory, extract the WebLogic software, set an environment, and start the installation:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ cd /stage/oracle/FMW
[appfmw@fmwNode1 FMW]$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar fmw_12.
To continue the installation on node 1, perform the following steps as prompted:
1. In Set Installation Inventory setup, set the Directory to /u01/app/oraInventory,
the OS Group to dba, and click OK.
2. On the Welcome page, click Next.
3. Enable Skip Auto Updates and click Next.
4. Set Oracle Home to /u01/app/middleware and click Next.
5. Select Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and click Next.
6. If the prerequisite checks complete without any errors and warnings, click Next.
7. Verify the Installation Summary and click Install.
8. The Installation Summary should be 100% completed. After it finishes, click Next.
9. Select Installation complete and click Finish.
Note: In the cluster setup, repeat the WebLogic Server installation by using the preceding steps on node2, with the same directory structure.This completes the installation of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
Create database schemas by using RCU
You should have already created a database and prepared it for the WebLogic Server
domain. The database must be running.
Login to the server as user Oracle and run the following commands to start
the RCU:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 FMW]$ cd /u01/app/middleware/oracle_common/bin
[appfmw@fmwNode1 bin]$ ./rcu
To continue the installation, perform the following steps as prompted:
1. On the Welcome page, click Next.
2. On Create Repository page for the new Oracle Forms and Reports installation,
select Create Repository -> System Load and Production Load.
3. In Database Connection Details, provide the database connection information.
Set Database Type to Oracle Database and enter the database server details.
After the installer checks the database connectivity and opens a window,
click OK.
4. On the Select components page, set Prefix as PROD for the
database schemas and select the following components:
- - Oracle Platform Security Services
- - Audit Services
- - Audit Services Append
5. Click Next, and after the installer checks the database prerequisites, click OK.
6. On the Schema Passwords page, set the password for all the database schemas.
7. On the Map Tablespace page, click Next and click OK when the following
message appears: Validating and creating tablespaces.
8. Verify the installation summary and click Create.
9. Check the summary and click Close.
Install Oracle Forms and Reports
Perform the following commands on both node1 and node 2 to install Forms and
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ export JAVA_HOME=/u01/app/JAVA/jdk1.8.0_151
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ which java
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ cd /stage/oracle/FMW
[appfmw@fmwNode1 FMW]$ ./fmw_12.
To continue the installation on node1, perform the following steps as prompted:
1. In Set Installation Inventory setup, set Directory to
/u01/app/oraInventory, the OS Group to dba, and click OK.
2. On the Welcome page, click Next.
3. Enable Skip Auto Updates and click Next.
4. Set Oracle Home to /u01/app/middleware.
5. For Installation type, choose Forms and Reports Deployment.
6. On the Prerequisite Checks page, ensure that all checks are complete and
click Next.
7. On the Installation Summary page, verify that installation messages and
click Install.
8. On the Installation Progress page, ensure that all steps are complete and
click Next.
9. After the installation completes, check the installed components and click
Note: In the cluster setup, repeat the Forms and Reports software installation on node2 by using the preceding steps, with the same directory structure.
Create and configure the Forms and Reports domain on node1
Run the following commands to navigate to $ORACLE\_HOME/oracle\_common and start the configuration wizard to create and configure a Forms and Reports domain on node1:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ cd /u01/app/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin
[appfmw@fmwNode1 bin]$./
To continue the installation on node1, perform the following steps as prompted:
1. On the Templates page, select Create a new Domain and set the Domain Location to /u02/app/middleware/user\_projects/domains/DEV\_domain.
2. On the next page, select Create Domain using Product Templates and select
the following templates:
- Oracle Forms - [forms]
- Oracle Reports Application - 12.2.1 [reports]
- Oracle Enterprise manager - [em]
- Oracle HTTP ServerCollocated) - [ohs]
- Oracle Reports Tools - 12.2.1 [ReportsToolsComponent]
- Oracle Reports Server - 12.2.1 [ReportsServerComponent]
- Oracle Reports Bridge - 12.2.1 [ReportsBridgeComponent]
- Oracle JRF - [oracle\_common]
- WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension - [wlserver]
3. On the Application Location page, set Application Location to
4. On the Administrator Account page, set the Name and Password for
the WebLogic administrator.
5. On the Domain Mode and JDK page, set Domain Mode to Production
and check the JDK location of /u01/app/JAVA/jdk1.8.0\_181.
6. On the Database Configuration Type page, select RCU Data and set
Vendor to Oracle. For Connection Parameters, specify
the correct schema prefix: PROD_STB and use the credentials from the
previously executed Create database schemas by using RCU section.
Click on Get RCU Configuration. After you verify everything, click Next.
7. In the Database Components section, select everything from the database
details from step 6. Click Next.
8. On the JDBC Test page, ensure that all tests complete successfully. If
anything is wrong, go back to step 6 and provide the correct details for the
database. When everything is correct, click Next.
9. On the Advanced Configuration page, select Administration Server,
Node Manager, Topology, and System Components.
10. On the Administration Server page, configure the AdminServer on node1.
Set Server Name to AdminServer, set Listen Address to \<Node1 Hostname\>,
and Port to 7001.
11. On the Node Manager page, configure the node manager for node1. Set Node Manager Type to Per Domain Default Location. Enter Node Manager credentials. Set Username to nodemgr and Password
to welcome1. Click Next
12. On the Managed Servers page, add the Forms and Report servers and the
managed servers on both node1 and node2 as shown in the following table:
On Clusters page, keep the default values and click Next
On the <b>Server Templates</b> page, keep the default values and click <b>Next</b>.</li>
On the Dynamic Templates page, keep the default values and click Next
On the Assign Servers to Clusters page, assign the servers as shown in the following table:
In Coherence clusters, keep the defaults and click Next
On the Machine Page, change the settings as shown in the following table
On the Assign Servers to Machine page, add the AdminServer,
WLS_FORMS1, and WLS_REPORTS1 to the Machine node1 and add
WLS_FORMS1 and WLS_REPORTS1 to the Machine node2.
On the Virtual Target page, select Don’t configure, and click Next
On the Partitions page, select Don’t configure, and click Next
On the System Components page, keep forms1 and ohs1 Add two more
entries, forms2 and ohs2, as shown in the following table
On the OHS Server page, select System Component ohs1 and provide the following details
Admin Host: Node1 IP Address
Admin Port: 7779
Listen Address: Node1 IP Address
Listen Port: 7777
SSL Listen Port: 4443
Servername: https://<Node1 IP Address>:7777
On the OHS Server page, select System Component ohs2 and provide the following details:
Admin Host: Node2 IP Address
Admin Port: 7779
Listen Address: Node2 IP Address
Listen Port: 7777
SSL Listen Port: 4443
Servername: https://<Node2 IP Address>:7777
On the <b>Assign System Components to machines</b> page, assign forms1 and
ohs1 to Machine Node1 and assign forms2 and ohs2
to Machine Node2
On the Configuration Summary page, verify the summary and click Create
After the domain creation completes, click Next
At the end of the Configuration page, click Finish
Conduct post-installation tasks on node1
1. Run the following commands to disable the Derby database:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ cd /u01/app/middleware/wlserver/common/derby/lib/
[appfmw@fmwNode1 lib]$ mv derby.jar disable_derby.jar
2. Run the following commands to start the AdminServer by using a script:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ cd /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/PRD_ETA/bin/
[appfmw@fmwNode1 bin]$ ./
3. When prompted, enter username (weblogic) and the password to boot the WebLogic
4. To verify the AdminServer, browse to https://<Node1 Host Name>:7001/console
and log in with the credentials (weblogic and <weblogic password>) from the domain creation step. Check the server status and then shut down the AdminServer from the console.
5. Run the following commands to create
[appfmw@fmwNode1 AdminServer]$ cd /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/servers/AdminServer
[appfmw@fmwNode1 AdminServer]$ mkdir security
[appfmw@fmwNode1 AdminServer]$ cd security/
[appfmw@fmwNode1 security]$ vi
[appfmw@fmwNode1 security]$ cat
password=<weblogic password>
6. Run the following commands to edit, and change
parameter CrashRecoveryEnabled=false to CrashRecoveryEnabled=true
7. Run the following commands to start NodeManager:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 ~]$ cd /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/bin
[appfmw@fmwNode1 bin]$ nohup &
.:8. To start the managed servers on node1, browse to https://<Node1 Host Name>:7001/console
and enter the credentials (weblogic/<weblogic password from Domain creation>).
Start all the managed servers on node1 from the console.
9. Configure the Reports server on Node1 as shown in the following section.
Reports Server Configuration on Node1
Perform the following configuration steps to configure reports on node1:
1. Create ReportsToolsInstance (by using `wlst`). Run the following commands
to start wlst:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 configuration]$ cd /u01/app/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin
[appfmw@fmwNode1 bin]$ ./
2. Run the following commands to connect to the AdminServer (Note the AdminServer and WLS_REPORTS must be running):
wlst> connect('weblogic','welcome1', 't3://<Node1 HostName>:7001')
3. Run the following command to create the reports server instance:
wls:/forms_domain/serverConfig/> createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName='reptools1',machine='<NODE1 Hostname>')
4. Run the following command to edit rwservlet.prpoerties to enable Reports Webaccess:
vi /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_REPORTS1/applications/reports_12.2.1/configuration/
Add the following <webcommandaccess> line (shown in place):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rwservlet xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="">
Restart the managed server <b>WLS_REPORTS1</b> from the console.
Run the following command to create the stand alone reports server, my_rersrv
[oracle@host03]$ /u01/app/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/
<ol start=7>
<li>Run the following command to connect to the AdminServer(the AdminServer and
<b>WLS_REPORTS</b> must be running)
wlst> connect('weblogic','<weblogic password', 't3://<Node1 Hostname>:7001')
Run the following command to create the ReportsServerInstance
wls:/forms_domain/serverConfig/> createReportsServerInstance(instanceName='my_repsrv',machine='UnixMachine_1')
Run the following command to disable the single sign on for the Reports Server:
vi /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsServerComponent/my_repsrv/rwserver.conf
Change: <!--job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" securityId="rwJaznSec"/-->
To: <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng"/>
Run the following commands to start the standalone reports server and save
the NodeManager password
cd /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/bin
./ my_repsrv storeUserConfig
Run the following commands to start the standalone reports server and save the NodeManager password:
cd /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/bin
./ my_repsrv storeUserConfig
When prompted to try the nodemanager user password, enter Node Manager
password: xxx
Join node2 to the clustered domain on node1
Perform the following steps to join node2 to the clustered domain on node1:
1. Stop all the managed servers that are running from the console.
2. Stop the AdminServer from running in its terminal or console window.
3. Go to the /u01/cluster on node1.
4. Execute the following commands::
[appts@fmwNode2 bin]$ cd /u02/app/cluster
[appts@fmwNode2 cluster]$ /u01/app/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/ -managed=true -domain=/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain -template=cluster.jar -template_name="DEV_DOMAIN"
<< read domain from "/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_DOMAIN"
>> succeed: read domain from "/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_DOMAIN"
<< set config option Managed to "true"
>> succeed: set config option Managed to "true"
<< write template to "/u02/app/cluster/cluster.jar"
>> succeed: write template to "/u02/app/cluster/cluster.jar"
<< close template
>> succeed: close template
[appts@fmwNode2 cluster]$
5. Go to node2 and open a terminal window.
6. Go to /u01/app/middleware/oracle\_common/common/bin
7. Execute the following unpack command:
[appts@fmwNode2 bin]$ ./ -domain=/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_DOMAIN -template=/u02/app/cluster/cluster.jar
<< read template from "/u02/app/cluster/cluster.jar"
>> succeed: read template from "/u02/app/cluster/cluster.jar"
<< set config option DomainName to "DEV_DOMAIN"
>> succeed: set config option DomainName to "DEV_DOMAIN"
>> validateConfig "KeyStorePasswords"
>> succeed: validateConfig "KeyStorePasswords"
<< write Domain to "/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_DOMAIN"
>> succeed: write Domain to "/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_DOMAIN"
<< close template
>> succeed: close template
[appts@fmwNode2 bin]$
8. Run the following commands to start NodeManager on node2:
cd /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_DOMAIN/bin
9. Perform the following steps on node1 to start the AdminServer on node1:
- Open a terminal or console session.
- Go to /u02/app/middleware/user\_projects/domains/DEV\_DOMAIN/bin
- Run the following command:
Conduct post-installation tasks on node2
Perform the following configuration steps to configure reports on node2:
1. Create ReportsToolsInstance by using wlst..Run the following commands
to start `wlst`:
[appfmw@fmwNode2 configuration]$ cd /u01/app/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin
[appfmw@fmwNode2 bin]$ ./
2. Run the following commands to connect to the AdminServer (the
AdminServer and WLS_REPORTS must be running):
wlst> connect('weblogic','welcome1', 't3://<Node1 HostName>:7001')
3. Run the following command to create the reports server instance:
wls:/forms_domain/serverConfig/> createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName='reptools2',machine='<NODE2 Hostname>')
4. Run the following command to edit rwservlet.prpoerties to enable Reports Webaccess:
vi /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_REPORTS2/applications/reports_12.2.1/configuration/
Add the following webcommandaccess> line (shown in place):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rwservlet xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ol start=5>
Restart the managed server WLS_REPORTS1 from the console.
Run the following command to create the stand alone reports server, my_rersrv2
[appfmw@fmwNode2]$ /u01/app/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/
Run the following command to connect to the AdminServer (the AdminServer and
WLS_REPORTS must be running)
wlst> connect('weblogic','<weblogic password', 't3://<Node1 Hostname>:7001')
Run the following command to create the ReportsServerInstance
wls:/forms_domain/serverConfig/> createReportsServerInstance(instanceName='my_repsrv2',machine='UnixMachine_2')
Run the following command to disable the single sign on for the Reports Server:
vi /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsServerComponent/my_repsrv/rwserver.conf
Change: <!--job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng" securityId="rwJaznSec"/-->
To: <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng"/>
Run the following commands to start the standalone reports server and save
the NodeManager password on node2
cd /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain/bin
./ my_repsrv storeUserConfig
When prompted to try the nodemanager user password, enter Node Manager password:xxx
Configure Forms and Reports to use the HTTP server
Perform the following steps to configure Forms and Reports:
1. Run the following commands on node1 to start the HTTP server:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 config]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/
[appfmw@fmwNode1 bin]$ ./
wls:/offline> nmConnect('nodemgr','welcome1','','5556','DEV_domain','/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> nmStart(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> exit ()
2. Run the following commands on node2 to start the HTTP server:
[appfmw@fmwNode2 config]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/
[appfmw@fmwNode2 bin]$ ./
wls:/offline> nmConnect('nodemgr','welcome1','','5556','DEV_domain','/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> nmStart(serverName='ohs2', serverType='OHS')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> exit ()
3. Run the following command to edit the Forms configuration file, forms.conf,
on node1:
vi /u01/app/middleware/forms/templates/config/forms.conf
Add following lines:
<Location /forms>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList OFF
4. Run the following command to edit the Reports configuration file, reports\_ohs.conf
on node1:
vi /u01/app/middleware/reports/conf/reports_ohs.conf
Add following lines:
<Location /reports>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList OFF
5. Run the following commands to copy forms.conf and reports\_ohs.conf
on node 1:
cp /u01/app/middleware/forms/templates/config/forms.conf /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/PRD_ETA/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/ohs2/moduleconf
cp /u01/app/middleware/reports/conf/reports_ohs.conf /u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/PRD_ETA/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/ohs2/moduleconf
6. Use `scp` to copy forms.conf and reports\_ohs.conf
from $OHS\_INSTANCE\_HOME/moduleconf on node1 to
$OHS\_INSTANCE\_HOME/moduleconf node2:
7. Run the following commands to restart the HTTP server on node1:
[appfmw@fmwNode1 config]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/
[appfmw@fmwNode1 bin]$ ./
wls:/offline> nmConnect('nodemgr','welcome1','','5556','DEV_domain','/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> nmStop(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> nmStart(serverName='ohs1', serverType='OHS')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> exit ()
8. Run the following commands to restart the HTTP server on node2:
[appfmw@fmwNode2 config]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/
[appfmw@fmwNode2 bin]$ ./
wls:/offline> nmConnect('nodemgr','welcome1','','5556','DEV_domain','/u02/app/middleware/user_projects/domains/DEV_domain')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> nmStop(serverName='ohs2', serverType='OHS')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> nmStart(serverName='ohs2', serverType='OHS')
wls:/nm/PRD_ETA> exit ()
Installing and configuring a cluster setup is a bit different from setting up a single server. The latest Fusion Middleware version Forms and Reports installation and configuration on the cluster environment consists of two Forms and Reports managed servers running simultaneously to work together for increased scalability and reliability.

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