Collinson elevates loyalty offerings to a new level

When a large financial services organisation in Asia Pacific requested a cloud-based loyalty program, Collinson went above and beyond by migrating their loyalty offerings to Microsoft Azure in record time, and in turn, opened the door to greater opportunities.

Collinson Branche Financial Services Herausforderung

Collinson needed a partner to support the migration of their loyalty solutions to Microsoft Azure within a short timeframe.

Lösungen Cloud, Cloud Adoption & Migration, Public Cloud, Security, Security Operations Plattformen Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Security

Professional & Managed Services

Managed Services, Fanatical Experience

Going the extra mile for customers

When one of their clients, a large financial services organisation in Asia Pacific, asked Collinson to create a cloud-based loyalty program for its customers, Collinson saw an opportunity to elevate its loyalty product offerings to a higher level.

The bank wanted to consolidate its various on-premises loyalty management functions into a unified, cloud-based solution to enhance program management and improve overall customer experiences.

For Collinson, this meant finding a cloud provider to host its loyalty solutions and a services partner to support the migration, which needed to take place within a short timeframe.

The ideal cloud solution for its loyalty products would help Collinson reduce the complexity and expense of hosting the program on-premises while meeting Australia’s banking industry requirement around hosting customer data domestically in at least two sites.

“The results for Collinson have been extraordinary. We were able to meet very tight deadlines from the bank, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support from all levels for this project.”
Ravisankar Sundararaj, Head of Software R&D/IT Services, Collinson

Providing value each step of the way

The company conducted an extensive search and eventually selected Microsoft Azure to host their loyalty solutions.

A deciding factor was the scale of Microsoft Azure and the multiple data centres in Australia. The number of data centres Microsoft owns in Australia exceeded the bank’s requirement — a distinction that no other cloud provider had in the country. Additionally, the client was already using Azure as their preferred cloud platform.

Collinson selected Rackspace Technology Managed Public Cloud, Managed Security and Professional Services, which include data and database services as well as compliance solutions, to enhance the value of its investment in Azure.

Collinson needed to have its loyalty rewards solutions available quickly for the bank, and Rackspace Technology helped it meet the strict timeline.

Rackspace Technology started by helping the Collinson design and implement its infrastructure on the Azure platform, and then hosted VPN solutions as a gateway to Azure during the data migration process.

Every step of the way, from troubleshooting during pre-production, through production, and disaster recovery testing with the bank, the Rackspace Technology team worked alongside Collinson.

Ravisankar Sundararaj, Collinson’s Head of Software R&D/IT Services, noted, “We engaged a global team for this project, and working on Azure made it very easy for this global collaboration, especially versus hosting the infrastructure in one of our data centres or a third-party centre.”

During the PCI compliance process, Rackspace Technology helped Collinson pass the audit, which typically takes up to three months, in less than a month. It was a particularly impressive feat even to the PCI auditor.

“Rackspace Technology helped us ensure the security of the platform, and that we would secure PCI compliance in record time. The team was always open to share information, gaining our confidence with board and bank,” said Ravisankar.

The Rackspace Technology Managed Security solution will help the loyalty products maintain ongoing compliance with banking regulations.


“Rackspace Technology helped us ensure the security of the platform, and that we would secure PCI compliance in record time. The team was always open to share information, gaining our confidence with board and bank.”

Ravisankar Sundararaj, Head of Software R&D/IT Services, Collinson

Fanatical Experience brings extraordinary results

With help from Rackspace Technology, Collinson was able to complete the project ahead of time. As a result, the program was launched for the bank at the end of 2019.

Hosting its applications on the Azure cloud has enabled Collinson to create a unified platform where its products can interact with each other and perform better.

Now the bank has a single point of interaction with Collinson, which simplifies the overall management of the program. This, in turn, helps to improve card loyalty customer experiences and activities, such as redeeming points, across multiple channels and platforms.

The Rackspace Technology solutions enabled Collinson to deliver a robust and highly available loyalty platform for the bank. The time required to scale the infrastructure was reduced by 90% and service availability improved by 20%. The Rackspace Technology solutions also give Collinson confidence in the platform’s ongoing security and compliance with industry regulations.

Overall, Ravisankar believes that it has opened the door to greater opportunities for Collinson to offer their unified loyalty program management platform to other banks in Australia, and across the world.

After this transformation, the time to deploy new solutions was reduced by 60%.

Über Rackspace Technology

Wir von Rackspace Technology sind die Experten für Multicloud-Lösungen. Wir erstellen durch die Kombination unserer Expertise mit den weltweit führenden Technologien lückenlose Lösungen und berücksichtigen dabei Anwendungen, Daten und Security. Wir verfügen über eine nachweisbare Erfolgsbilanz bei der Beratung von Kunden zu ihren individuellen geschäftlichen Herausforderungen. Wir entwerfen, erstellen und verwalten skalierbare Lösungen und optimieren die Rendite mit Blick auf die Zukunft.

Als bahnbrechender globaler Multicloud-Technologieanbieter stellen wir Ihnen die innovativen Fähigkeiten der Cloud zur Verfügung, um Kunden beim Erschließen neuer Umsatzquellen, der Effizienzsteigerung sowie der Schaffung beeindruckender Erlebnisse zu unterstützen. Wir zählen Jahr für Jahr laut Fortune, Forbes und Glassdoor zu den besten Arbeitgebern und fördern erstklassige Talente. So profitieren unsere Kunden von konkurrenzlos guter Expertise. Die Grundlage unseres gesamten Handelns bildet unser unermüdlicher Einsatz für den Erfolg unserer Kunden – unsere Fanatical Experience™. Wir sorgen dafür, dass unsere Kunden schneller und intelligenter arbeiten können und stets einen Schritt voraus bleiben.


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