Using Azure Private Endpoint with web apps

by Rackspace Technology Staff

Azure® Private Endpoint provides private IP address access by using a network interface controller
(NIC) attached to a virtual network subnet for an Azure web app, allowing access from an on-premise VPN or ExpressRoute. Implementing an endpoint effectively blocks the public inbound access. This technology is very similar to an internal App Service Environment (ASE) but much cheaper.

You should know the following details about Azure Private Endpoint:

  • It is only available in preview in two regions: EastUS and WestUS2.
  • The App Service plan requires a PremiumV2 stock-keeping unit (SKU).
  • You need a Domain Name System (DNS) server—either an Azure DNS zone or a virtual machine acting as a DNS server.

My private endpoint test 

1. Make sure the App Service plan hosting the CM web app is using a PremiumV2 SKU.
2. Click on the CM web app, select Networking from the blade, and select Configure your private endpoint connections.

resources pic 1

3. Click Add in the header to add a private endpoint.

resources 2

4. Give the endpoint a name. Then, select the subscription, the VNet to provision to, and the subnet for the endpoint to consume. Note that the VNet integration also requires a subnet, so the private endpoint and the integration subnet cannot overlap.

resources pic 3

After you provision the endpoint, the web app loses all inbound public connectivity because you associated a private IP address with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and Kudu® URL.  

end point ip

If you are using the domain, you need to add a DNS zone to route traffic to the private IP address associated with the web app. With Sitecore, this would effectively break the application because I added only one web app with a private endpoint. Consider the CM login that talks to the Sitecore Identity (SI)
web app for authentication. If I had one zone for, I would also need to add private endpoints to all my web apps and then add A records into that zone for communication. Gets pricey, making everything a PremiumV2 SKU. It would also break any other web app that I wanted to browse to on the domain. 

You can approach this problem in two ways. Use a custom domain name on the web app that matches a zone in your DNS server or create a DNS zone with the FQDN of the web app. Because this is a test, I opted to use the latter and just created an A record pointing to the private IP of the endpoint for that specific web app.

end point IP Pic 1


dns new pic 1

Just like an internal ASE, you need to take into account the Kudu software configuration management (SCM) URL. As the preceding image shows, I have two zones per web app with an A record pointing to the private IP address of the endpoint for each zone.  

Public access to a web app behind a private endpoint test

Now that on-premise users can access the CM web app for secure content authoring, I wanted to figure out what I need to do if I have a Content Delivery (CD) web app behind a private endpoint but need public users to access it. Previously, by using an internal ASE, I could provision an application gateway and plug a hole into the VNet. I didn't see how this is any different, so I approached it by using the following steps:

1. Provision an application gateway.
2. For the backend pool, target the FQDN of the CD-role web app.

backend pool

3. Configure the health probe to use the FQDN of the CD-role web app.

app w probe pic 1

4. Override the backend pool host name by picking the hostname from the backend target.

override backend pool pic 1

5. Configure my public DNS for my custom domain CNAME to the application gateway public FrontendIP.
6. Finally, configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offloading for my custom domain.


You can easily create a secure routable solution from on-premise to an Azure web with a combination of private endpoints and regional VNet integration. Instead of using an internal ASE, try testing out the preceding steps to see if this solution meets your needs. Find more information at the private endpoint documentation.

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