Enable Oracle audits at the operating system level in RAC databases
by Anubhav Sharma, Oracle Database Administrator, Rackspace Technology
When you set this parameter to `true`, the process generates files in the directory determined by the `AUDIT_FILE_DEST` parameter. These files contain a protocol of all the actions of the `sys` user. By default, the files contain the connections by `sys` but do not include the actions that occur after the connection.
If you set `AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS=true`, the audit file containing all the actions of `sys` belongs to the operating system user that installed the database-- usually, the Oracle user. A user with privileges to connect as
`sys` probably also has the privilege to connect as `Oracle` on the operating system (OS) level. This access makes using `AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS` somewhat useless from a security standpoint. So, Oracle permits `root` to own the audit file, which should make it harder for the database administrator to manipulate or delete
the file.
Configure the audit file at the OS level
Use the following steps to configure the audit file at the OS level in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment:
Step 1: Set the database parameters
Use the following commands to set the database parameters:
SQL> alter system set audit_sys_operations=true scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> alter system set audit_syslog_level='LOCAL1.WARNING' scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> alter system set audit_trail = OS
System altered.
Step 2: Configure the RAC nodes
Use the following steps, as root, to configure the RAC1 and RAC2 nodes:
a) Run the following command to back up /etc/rsyslog.conf:
cp -p /etc/rsyslog.conf /etc/rsyslog.conf.<ITK#>
b) Add the following lines to /etc/rsyslog.conf:
# Oracle audit <ITK#>
local1.warning /var/log/oracle/db_name_audit.log
#### Step 3: Restart the syslog logger
Run the following commands to restart the `syslog` logger process:
service rsyslog status
service rsyslog restart
service rsyslog status
Step 4: Restart the RAC database
Use the following steps to restart the RAC database on RAC1 and RAC2 in a rolling fashion:
a) Run the following commands on RAC2:
srvctl stop instance -d DB_NAME -i DB_SID2
srvctl start instance -d DB_NAME -i DB_SID2
srvctl status database -d DB_NAME
b) Wait for ten minutes.
c) Run the following commands on RAC1:
srvctl stop instance -d DB_NAME -i DB_SID1
srvctl start instance -d DB_NAME -i DB_SID1
srvctl status database -d DB_NAME
Step 5: Set up the logrotate file
To set up the logrotate file on RAC1 and RAC2, edit /etc/logrotate.d/oracle_audit,
as root, to include the following lines:
rotate 12
Logrotate parameters
You can include the following options (collected from Manage your logs using Logrotate] and the man file in the logrotate configuration file:
- Rotate: Keep the last N archives of the log. You can set this high, as long as the disk usage is reasonable. You can also set it to the last 10 days or 2 weeks if the log gets bigger.
- Compress: The archived logs are compressed using gzip (recommended). This compression keeps the file size much lower than the raw logs.
- Weekly: The log files are rotated once every day, or if the date is advanced by at least 7 days, since the last rotation (while ignoring the exact time). The weekday interpretation is as follows: 0 means Sunday, 1 means Monday, 6 means Saturday. The special value 7 means each 7 days, irrespective of the weekday. The default is 0 if the weekday argument is omitted.
- Yearly: Log files are rotated if the current year is not the same as the last rotation.
- dateext: The archived log files are appended with the date when it is processed. The default format is YYYYMMDD. This appendage makes the search for the archived logs easier.
- notifempty: If the log file is empty, do not archive it. This is important because you only keep a certain number of archives, and this makes sure that you don’t have archived empty files that push out older archived entries.
- missingok: If any log file cannot be found, just search for the next log file in the configuration. This ensures that the logrotate program does not exit unexpectedly in case one log file is missing.
- copytruncate: When a log is archived, logrotate copies the contents of the log file into another file (with a timestamp). This option then tells logrotate to remove or truncate the copied entries from the original log file. This option is needed when programs continuously write into the log file, and this option ensures that the same log file is being used by the program to prevent it from exiting unexpectedly (due to it being unable to access the log file).
Pros and cons
The pros and cons of writing the audit records to a file on the OS include the following considerations:
- Pros: Logging the audit records to a `root`-owned filesystem restricts even the Oracle user who installed the database from reading the content and modifying it.
- Cons: Storing audit files on the OS consumes space and can cause performance issues.
- For example, `sys` could now perform large actions, such as running `catalog.sql`
or `catproc.sql` operations.
The steps in this post direct all the audit records to an OS file in a RAC database. Oracle recommends that you use the OS settings, especially if you use an ultra-secure database configuration.

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