EBS SSO integration with IDCS
by Praveen Muthyala, Oracle Applications Database Administrator, Rackspace Technology
The post introduces Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) integration with the existing Oracle e-Business Suite (EBS) environments.
IDCS is an Oracle cloud-based Identity platform, which enables SSO services to access EBS applications. It does not require any installations. Oracle Cloud maintains everything, including backup, recovery, patching, upgrade, and scaling.
You need only one component called EBS Asserter, which IDCS provides to implement SSO for Oracle e-Business Suite and other applications.
Features of EBS Asserter
Asserter has the following key features:
- You don't need to make configuration changes to EBS.
- You should deploy in WebLogic 12C with SSL configuration.
- It supports single login for EBS applications, IDCS, and EBS Asserter.
- It has multiple access modes for SSO with EBS.
In IDCS, you can also integrate with the existing active directory (AD). To integrate IDCS with an existing AD, you need to download the Oracle IDCS AD agent from IDCS and install it on the AD server by providing client ID and client secret details. After the installation completes, the system updates the AD server details in the IDCS directory integrations.
To synchronize AD users, you need to configure the bridge and perform synchronization.
Following is an illustration of the new approach of EBS integration with IDCS:
EBS Integration with IDCS for SSO
Oracle supports all EBS modules having browser-based logins to work with EBS Asserter and also supports Excel-based logins for Web ADI. Mobile Apps for EBS don't use browser-based authentication, so Mobile apps are not supported.
Installation prerequisites
To install EBS Asserter, make sure you have the following elements in place:
- Oracle JRE/JDK version 8 or later
- Java Cryptography Extension file for Java 8
- Access to the IDCS console to download the EBS Asserter and permission to register confidential applications.
- Access to EBS applications.
- A separate Oracle WebLogic server 12C and a new managed server, EBSAsserter_server, where you can deploy the EBS Asserter Java application. This WebLogic server and EBS servers must be in the same domain.
- Download and extract the EBS Asserter zip file.
- Access the Identity Cloud Service console, expand the NavigationDrawer, click Settings, and click Downloads. Click Download to download IDCS EBS Asserter, and then save the zip file.
- Extract the contents of the EBS Asserter zip file.
- Copy the ebs.war and idcs-wallet-<version>.jar files to a working folder into the EBS Asserter's WebLogic Server machine.
Make sure the EBS Asserter URL has access over the SSL.
If you have multiple EBS instances, you can configure and deploy EBS Asserter for each EBS instance. You can use the same WebLogic server for all EBS Asserter-managed servers.
Configuration steps
Perform the following configuration steps:
1. Create an application user on EBS
To create a user for EBS Asserter to communicate with EBS applications, perform the following steps from the Oracle Asserter documentation:
1. Log in to EBS as the sysadmin user.
2. Go to User Management Responsibility and click Users.
3. Select User Account from the Register drop-down menu and click Go.
4. On the Create User Account page, enter the following details to create a new user,
and click Submit:
- Password: The user password.
- Description: EBS Asserter Service User
- Password Expire: None
5. After user creation, click Assign roles, and then click Assign roles on the
Update User page.
6. Use Search and Select: Assign Roles by code UMX|APPS_SCHEMA_CONNECT.
7. Select Apps Schema Connect Role and click Select.
8. Justify EBS asserter service user and click Save.
2. Create EBS system administrator in IDCS
Perform the following steps from Oracle Asserter documentation to create a user in IDCS that communicates to the system administrator in EBS applications.
1. Log in to IDCS to access the console.
2. In the IDCS console, expand the navigation, click Users, and click Add on the
Users page.
3. In the Add User window, provide the following values and click Finish:
- First Name: EBS
- Last Name: Sysadmin
- Uncheck Use the email address as the username.
- Username: sysadmin
- Email: Provide the email address set to the SYSADMIN account in your Oracle E-Business Suite.
4. After you create the user in IDCS, log in to EBS applications and update the sysadmin
user email address to match the IDCS sysadmin address.
Perform the following steps from Oracle Asserter documentation to register the EBS Asserter with EBS:
1. Log in to the EBS application server as `applmgr` and identify the directories for
2. Run the following commands to create a working directory:
cd /u01/app/SID
mkdir ebssdk
cd ebssdk
3. Extract fndext.jar from ebs.war, which you downloaded from IDCS. Copy it both to the working directory and the EBS asserter WebLogic server $DOMAIN\_HOME/lib folder.
4. Source the EBS environment file and run the following commands to register EBS asserter with EBS applications:
cd /u01/app/SID/ebssdk
java oracle.apps.fnd.security.AdminDesktop apps/<apps_pwd> CREATE NODE_NAME=ebsasserter.example.com DBC=$FND_SECURE/EBSDB.dbc
5. Copy the generated EBSDB_ebsasserter.example.com.dbc file to the EBS Asserter server and make a note of the APPL_SERVER_ID.
4. Register EBS Asserter in IDCS
Perform the following steps from Oracle Asserter documentation to create a confidential application to represent EBS asserter:
1. Log in to the IDCS console and expand the navigation and then click applications.
2. Click on Add and select Confidential applications in the dialog box
3. Enter the following information and click next:
- Name: EBS Asserter
- Description: EBS Asserter Application
- Application URL: https://ebsasserter.example.com:7002/ebs
- Display in My Apps: Select this check box.
4. In the Client pane, select Configure this application as a client now and enter
the following information:
- Allowed Grant Types: Select Client Credentials and Authorization Code.
- Redirect URL: https://ebsasserter.example.com:7002/ebs/response
- Logout URL: https://ebsasserter.example.com:7002/ebs/logout
- Post Logout Redirect URL: https://ebsasserter.example.com:7002/ebs
5. Beneath Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs, click Add.
6. In the Add App Role dialog window, select Authenticator Client and Me in the list and click Add.
7. Click Next in the Client pane and the following panes. Click Finish.
8. In the Application Added dialog box, make a note of the Client ID and Client Secret values and click Close.
9. Click Activate to activate the application.
5. Create a WebLogic wallet
According to Oracle Asserter documentation, for security purposes, you need to register client ID, client secret, and IDCS URL in the wallet used by the EBS Asserter. Perform the following steps described in the Oracle documentation:
1. Log in to the EBS Asserter server and go to the directory where the idcs-wallet-<version>.jar file exists.
2. Run the following command to generate the cwallet.sso file and fill in the details
as prompted:
java -jar idcs-wallet-<version>.jar
- Enter Wallet Path: Enter the path to the store wallet file.
- Enter Client ID: Enter the Client ID
- Enter Client Secret: Enter the Client Secret for the client ID.
- Enter IDCS base URL: Enter the IDCS base URL.
6. Update the configuration file
Update EBS Asserter configuration file, bridge.properties with EBS instance and IDCS details.
7. Deploy EBS Asserter
Perform the following steps from Oracle Asserter documentation to create a new data source and deploy the EBS Asserter application.
Define the data source
1. Log in to the EBS Asserter WebLogic console and select Data Sources.
2. Click **New** and select Generic Data Source.
3. Enter the following database details and click Next.
- Name: EBSDB (The name should be same as the ebs.ds.name in file.)
- Database Type: Oracle
- Database Driver: \*Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections; Versions:Any.
4. Enter the following database connection details:
- Database Name: EBSDB
- Host Name: ebs.example.com
- Port: 1521
- Database Username: EBSASSERTER
- Password: Enter the username password.
5. Select driver class name" oracle.apps.fnd.ext.jdbc.datasource.AppsDataSource.
6. Update the following details in Properties:
7. Click Test Configuration
Deploy EBS Asserter on the WebLogic server
1. Log in to the EBS Asserter WebLogic console and click Lock & Edit.
2. Click Deployments and Install.
3. Select the ebs.war file and click Next.
4. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next.
5. Select the target server, EBSAsserter\_server. Click Next.
6. Accept the default values and click Finish.
7. Click Activate Changes.
8. Update EBS profiles
Update the following EBS profiles:
- Application Authenticate Agent: https://ebsasserter.example.com:7002/ebs
- Oracle Applications Session Cookie Domain (ICX_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN)**: DOMAIN
- **Applications SSO Type**: `SSWA_SSO`
9. Restart and test
Restart the EBS services and test your SSO logins.
The preceding steps help implement SSO functionality for EBS by using Oracle IDCS and facilitate integration between active AD, EBS, and IDCS.

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