Data is the lifeblood of artificial intelligence and machine learning. We teamed up with Microsoft and industry experts to dissect the latest data, AI and ML trends, plus demo new technologies at the Cloud Talk Live AI & ML Summit.
The Solve team is made up of a curator team, an editorial team and various technology experts as contributors.
The curator team:
Srini Koushik, CTO, Rackspace Technology
Jeff DeVerter, Chief Technology Evangelist, Rackspace Technology
The editorial team:
Gracie LePere, Program Manager
Royce Stewart, Chief Designer
Simon Andolina, Design
Tim Mann, Design
Abi Watson, Design
Debbie Talley, Production Manager
Chris Barlow, Editor
Tim Hennessey Jr., Writer
Stuart Wade, Writer
Karen Taylor, Writer
Meagan Fleming, Social Media Specialist
Daniel Gibson, Project Manager
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