Take Advantage of a FREE Checkup to Begin Your Application Performance Improvement Program
The massive changes we've experienced in 2020 have underscored the significant role that digital customer experience plays in your organization's ability to meet customer needs. But the ways we work have also changed, and it's likely that the systems and applications that support your online experience are no longer optimized for business success.
To help our customers optimize their digital experience applications, Rackspace Technology is offering a FREE Digital Experience Application Checkup to help you identify where you're getting the most benefit from your application investment, and to provide recommendations for improvement in the areas that need help.
What will you get?
After we conduct the checkup, one of our certified digital experience specialists will spend two hours with you discussing your customized report of our detailed findings. The report will identify possible risks and vulnerabilities to your digital experience application environment and make recommendations to improve its overall performance and efficiency.
In the checkup, we will cover:
- Security Practices
- Cloud Options, decision making and use cases
- Reports and dashboards
- Digital asset and content management processes
- Performance and customer experience optimization
This offer is available on the following digital experience applications:
- Adobe AEM
- Oracle CX Commerce
- Oracle ATG
- Sitecore
- SAP Hybris
How it works
Step 1: Introductions: A Rackspace Technology certified digital experience specialist will join you on a call to get an understanding of how you use your digital experience application in your business and what processes you follow. In this meeting we will ask for access to your system to perform an application audit.
Step 2: Checkup discovery: The specialist will log into your digital experience instances to evaluate performance, looking for any configuration issues, vulnerabilities, risks and opportunities for improvement. We will prepare a report on our findings.
Step 3: Results are in! In a follow-up call, the specialist will review the customized report, identifying areas of concern and providing suggestions for improving the application performance.
This engagement is limited to the supported digital experience applications listed above and is subject to access to the customer environment.
Complete the form today to request your FREE Checkup.
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