Create an Oracle Database (DBaaS) in the cloud

by Santosh Kumar, Oracle Applications Database Administrator, Rackspace Technology


This post provides all the necessary steps to create a Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) database in the Oracle Cloud.

This service enables users to create a database without setting up any physical hardware, installing an operating system, and dealing with the Oracle Database installation prerequisites. It doesn't take long to create the database, and you need minimal system administrator privileges.

In this post, you learn the following steps to set up DBaaS in the Oracle Cloud:

  1. Create a compartment.
  2. Create a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). 
  3. Set up DBaaS.

First: Create a compartment

A compartment is a logical container that stores the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) resources, including the instance, storage, network, load balancer, and so on. Compartments are a fundamental process. You can move most resources between compartments. If you want to do anything in the OCI console, first, you need to choose a compartment.

1. Log in to the cloud URL

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Enter your account details and press Next.

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  Finally, enter your username and password and click Sign in.

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 Now, you can see the Oracle Cloud Console.

2. Create a compartment

After you log into the Oracle cloud, create compartments by using the following steps:

1. Click the menu on the upper left-hand side) and select Identity -> Compartments

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2. Click Create compartment and fill in the following details:

NAME: Compartment Name.
DESCRIPTION: Short description about the compartment, such as *Compartment for Test environment*.
PARENT COMPARTMENT:  It defaults to Root.

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3. Click Create Compartment

Second: Create a VCN

Now you have to create VCN. You set up a private network in Oracle data centers, with your chosen firewall rules and specific types of communication gateways. You can create subnets, route tables, and gateways for your compute instance in the VCN. 

Perform the following steps to create the VCN
1. Click the menu on the upper left-hand side) and select Networking ->Virtual Cloud Networks

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2. Select the compartment you created previously.

3. Click Create Virtual Cloud Network and fill in the details:
NAME: Enter the new VCN name.
CREATE IN COMPARTMENT: Select your compartment.
CIDER BLOCK: Enter the Cider block (for example:
Then click Create virtual cloud Network.

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Third: Create the DBaaS database 

1. Click the menu on the upper left-hand side) and select Identity -> Bare Metal,VM,Exadat.

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2. Select your compartment and click Create DB System

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3. Enter the required details:

Select a compartment: Enter the compartment that you created.
Name your DB system: Enter the database name.
Select an availability domain: Select the default domain. 

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Select a shape type: Choose a shape type. I selected Virtual machine.
Select a shape: Choose a shape, click change shape, and select it.
Total node count: Enter the number of nodes. If you want to configure for Oracle Real
Application Clusters (RAC), then choose two nodes. Otherwise, select one node.  

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Oracle Database software edition: Select the edition. 
Choose Storage Management Software: Select the management software. 

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Available storage (GB): Select the available storage size.
Total storage (GB): select the total storage size.
Add public SSH keys: Create and upload a public ssh key 

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Choose a license type: Choose Bring your Own License(BYOL).
Virtual cloud network: Choose the VCN you created.

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 Hostname prefix: Enter the hostname prefix.

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 Click Next

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Database name: Enter the database name.
Database version: Select a database versión to install.
PDB name Optional: Put a PDB name.

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Create administrator credentials: Create new credentials. 

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Select workload type: Enter the workload type. 

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 Configure database backups: If you want to configure the database, select the checkbox.

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And finally, click Create DB System


The database service enables you to create autonomous and user-managed Oracle Database cloud solutions. You can create a database in a short time. If you don't want the headache of managing the hardware or datacenter, OCI provides this type of facility. DBaaS offers
full access to the available database features and operations, where Oracle owns and manages the infrastructure.

Learn more about our Database services