Precia delivers valuation and financial modeling services using AWS

This early adopter of cloud services in Colombia’s financial sector operates at 10x speed since leaving the data center.

Precia Customer Logo Branche Financial Services Herausforderung

In the highly competitive financial services industry, Precia needed to quickly migrate to the cloud in order to meet the needs of the market and maintain its leading position.

Lösungen Cloud, Public Cloud, Email & Productivity, Security Plattformen Applications, Microsoft Office 365, Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Our customer

Precia, a subsidiary of the Colombian Stock Exchange, provides regional valuation and management solutions for financial portfolios. Its goal is to develop and operate fair-value calculation methodologies for all instruments on the balance sheet of financial sector entities, including fixed-income securities, equities, derivatives, structured products, companies that aren’t listed on the stock exchange and other assets.

"Rackspace Technology has proven to be the partner that truly has the knowledge and support to handle the biggest issues. They know how cloud technology works and have the partnerships and expertise to make it a reality."
Juan Manuel Quintero, CEO, Precia

The obstacles they faced

Precia’s previous infrastructure presented challenges in its development and testing environments. Given the importance of agility in the financial services sector, this was causing a bottleneck when developing new products and services for its customers. By migrating to public cloud, Precia would have access to infrastructure that met current demands with the flexibility to scale easily in the future.

After an extensive review of its public cloud options, Precia chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its infrastructure and quick deployment capabilities. However, Precia soon realized that it needed a partner who could both get it to the cloud quickly then optimize its cloud solutions well into the future.


"We can enable environments and infrastructure resources much faster. What previously took six months can now be done in a matter of days."

CIO, Precia
Woman working on a computer and a man next to her

How we helped

Rackspace Technology became an extension of Precia's technology team and offered continuous feedback, leading to quick and efficient results without any downtime via AWS Managed Services.

Precia also relied on Rackspace Technology for its cybersecurity security solutions. Rackspace Technology performed continuous infrastructure checks to secure areas where vulnerabilities existed.

What we achieved together

By partnering with Rackspace Technology, Precia has achieved a leading position in its industry via the AWS platform. Thanks to increased response times, speed has become a new product by itself, which has allowed Precia to be more agile when responding to customer needs.

Precia has the distinction of being the first company in the Colombian financial market to migrate workloads to the cloud, securing its place as an organization  that’s able to contribute to the stability of Columbia’s financial system.

Über Rackspace Technology

Wir von Rackspace Technology sind die Experten für Multicloud-Lösungen. Wir erstellen durch die Kombination unserer Expertise mit den weltweit führenden Technologien lückenlose Lösungen und berücksichtigen dabei Anwendungen, Daten und Security. Wir verfügen über eine nachweisbare Erfolgsbilanz bei der Beratung von Kunden zu ihren individuellen geschäftlichen Herausforderungen. Wir entwerfen, erstellen und verwalten skalierbare Lösungen und optimieren die Rendite mit Blick auf die Zukunft.

Als bahnbrechender globaler Multicloud-Technologieanbieter stellen wir Ihnen die innovativen Fähigkeiten der Cloud zur Verfügung, um Kunden beim Erschließen neuer Umsatzquellen, der Effizienzsteigerung sowie der Schaffung beeindruckender Erlebnisse zu unterstützen. Wir zählen Jahr für Jahr laut Fortune, Forbes und Glassdoor zu den besten Arbeitgebern und fördern erstklassige Talente. So profitieren unsere Kunden von konkurrenzlos guter Expertise. Die Grundlage unseres gesamten Handelns bildet unser unermüdlicher Einsatz für den Erfolg unserer Kunden – unsere Fanatical Experience™. Wir sorgen dafür, dass unsere Kunden schneller und intelligenter arbeiten können und stets einen Schritt voraus bleiben.


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