Konesh Soluciones helps companies manage tax risk in an ever-changing environment

To maintain compliance with Mexico’s tax regulations, this electronic invoicing, electronic document exchange, and analytical information visualization service relies on robust dedicated infrastructure.

Konesh Soluciones logo Branche Technology Herausforderung

Delivering documentation flawlessly amidst constantly changing environments, meeting strict compliance and security standards.

Lösungen Cloud, Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Email & Productivity Plattformen Applications, Microsoft Office 365

Our customer

Konesh Soluciones® is authorized by the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT) to assist clients throughout Mexico with the secure preparation and transmission of electronic tax documents. As an Authorized Certification Provider (PAC), Konesh is subject to regular audits and must meet strict security requirements. To maintain this authorization, it must meet and exceed stringent compliance and security standards. The company must also meet the equally strict standards of clients in the financial and other vital economic sectors, who entrust Konesh with their own sensitive data.

Founded in Mexico City in 2006, Konesh was among the first Mexican businesses to be designated by the SAT as a PAC. In Mexico today, nearly eight in ten (79%) of all invoices, payroll and commercial transactions pass through the country’s 68 PACs, with Konesh currently ranking third for the volume and total number of taxpayers it serves.

Over the course of its history, Konesh has created more than 1.5 billion documents for 450,000 taxpayers, including 200 of the largest and best-known companies in Mexico and Latin America, as well as prominent multinational companies such as PepsiCo, Femsa, Inbursa, Oxxo, Louis Vuitton and Burberry. Konesh is also known for its electronic invoicing, electronic document exchange and analytical information visualization services, and helping companies create value and achieve efficiencies in tax risk prevention, e-invoicing and supply chain management.

“Our Rackspace Technology team collaborates with us, suggests ideas, understands our challenges and they bring to the table different alternatives to continue our critical mission.”
Héctor Gutiérrez, CEO, Konesh Soluciones
Hand holding a mobile phone and a laptop in the background.

The obstacles they faced

At the outset of the pandemic, there were many major government projects underway. At the same time, the government began to face vital income disruption from industries and revenue resources (including oil, tourism, transportation and trade) that were hit hard by the pandemic. Seemingly overnight, the ability to collect tax revenue became essential to the Mexican government.

At the heart of tax collection are the PACs, which form an orderly and structured data ecosystem that fuels one of the world’s most advanced and recognized tax collection models. These PACs made a decisive impact on national transformation projects and priorities during COVID-19, and by contributing to the fulfillment of taxpayer obligations, Konesh shared in the critical responsibility of enabling a significant part of the country's tax collection.

Konesh is also responsible for absorbing, communicating and correctly implementing the tax implications of all new regulations, including CFDI, which is an electronic invoicing and digital tax receipt system that only PACs can use for tax transactions “To sell anything in Mexico, a business must issue a tax receipt, an electronic invoice,” said Héctor Gutiérrez, Chief Executive Officer, Konesh Soluciones. “And you can't pay someone their salary if you don't issue an electronic invoice. Every transaction in our country is secured by CFDI. It’s required to receive income.”

New in 2022, Carta Porte requires the issuance of digital tax documents whenever goods are transferred within Mexican territory. With several clients actively using CFDI 4.0 and others currently in the process of migrating, Konesh worked diligently to become compliant with all new provisions. With help from Rackspace Technology, Konesh also implemented Carta Porte on a tight government deadline for several key clients, including retailers Oxxo and Palacio de Hierro.

Man with beard looking at a woman next to her

“The new standards were a challenge in more ways than one. The process was complicated, but we accomplished it with the support of Rackspace Technology, and now with the release of Carta Porte we are ready. In fact, thanks to Rackspace Technology, we were ready ahead of the December 2021 deadline extensions.”

Imar Canché, CIO, Konesh Soluciones
Woman holding a pen and working in her laptop

How we helped

Innovating with analytics for better client outcomes: Datzilla

Recently Konesh developed Datzilla®, a big data tool to be able to respond to SAT systems in real time. Datzilla is a highly available, secure and reliable, cloud-based application built to analyze data in milliseconds to deliver all of a company’s tax information in a single platform.

“We created Datzilla, the ‘Godzilla of data’, which is a big-data tool to respond to SAT systems in real time,” said Gutiérrez. “The earliest Datzilla concepts were developed several years ago in San Antonio, Texas. We built it, after discussing the concept with the experts at Rackspace Technology.”

Capable of analyzing 60-150-200-million documents in fractions of a second, Datzilla delivers at-a-glance information, combined with data analysis and agile conclusions to enable better decision-making capabilities for clients. Specifically, Datzilla offers clients:

  • Real-time monitoring, analysis and auditing of CFDIs for income, expenses, payments and taxes
  • Cross-referenced, existing SAT information
  • Consistent information throughout purchase orders, receipts, inventory, CFDIs and payment
  • Payroll analysis and validation

“On this platform, once we generate a document, be it a consignment note or an invoice or a payroll receipt, we will now have instant, comprehensive capability to help our clients comply,” said Gutiérrez. “An intangible aspect of partnering with Rackspace Technology is our combined ability to make changes with the least impact in the least invasive and least destructive way because, together, we’re prepared to make changes quickly.”

Imar Canché, Chief Information Officer, Konesh Soluciones said, “Datzilla is the most attractive part of our business right now. And it's a tool that we developed and designed ourselves, incorporating  into our development the knowledge, tips and experiences that the Rackspace Technology team shared with us.”

What we achieved together

Rackspace Technology provided Konesh with access to resources and expertise in security, databases, networks, operating systems and infrastructure. During the pandemic, Konesh had to implement a range of tools to enable remote work, and Rackspace Technology helped it implement a home office platform. The company successfully implemented data protection control rules, technically known as DLP, using a Microsoft platform, which is managed by Rackspace Technology.

Konesh Soluciones’ managers cite the high level of support that distinguishes Rackspace Technology as a long-standing service provider to the company. It continues to record successful annual audits, maintains its PAC status, and implements compliance and consistent security standards amidst a rapidly changing environment and tight timelines.

“If it weren’t for the entire Rackspace Technology team accompanying us every step of the way, we hardly would have achieved the learning in the time we had,” said Gutiérrez. “We currently have zero incidents with our customers, we have continuity of more than 99.98% for an operation of this size, which is mainly due to the quality of the Rackspace Technology infrastructure. Rackspace Technology collaborates with us, suggests ideas, understands our challenges and they bring to the table different alternatives to continue our critical mission.”

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Wir von Rackspace Technology sind die Experten für Multicloud-Lösungen. Wir erstellen durch die Kombination unserer Expertise mit den weltweit führenden Technologien lückenlose Lösungen und berücksichtigen dabei Anwendungen, Daten und Security. Wir verfügen über eine nachweisbare Erfolgsbilanz bei der Beratung von Kunden zu ihren individuellen geschäftlichen Herausforderungen. Wir entwerfen, erstellen und verwalten skalierbare Lösungen und optimieren die Rendite mit Blick auf die Zukunft.

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